Проверка DCOM соединения
Автор Nikolay Ilin, Last modified by на 11 ноября 2016 11:26 AM

Проверку можно осуществить с помощью утилиты от Microsoft: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/259011
В качестве сервера для утилиты будет выступать сервер Indeed-ID
В качестве клиента для утилиты будет выступать машина с компонентами Indeed-ID, которые обращаются к серверу Indeed-ID, такие как: Indeed-ID Windows Logon, Indeed-ID SSO Агент, Indeed-ID OWA\IIS Extension и др.

Утилита позволяет проверить работу DCOM соединения вне компонентов Indeed-ID, это позволит отличить внутренние ошибки Indeed-ID от ошибок, связанных с инфраструктурой Microsoft. 

Инструкция по использованию, примеры информации на выходе:

Steps to Take on the Server Computer

  1. Click Start, click Run, and then type cmd (for Windows NT) or command (for Windows 95/Windows 98).

    Note This sample uses C drive, but you can use any local drive.
  2. Type MD C:\Test to create a folder.
  3. Type CD C:\Test.
  4. Copy following files into C:\Test:
  5. At the command prompt, type regedit tstsrvr.reg. This will cause Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) to run on Tstsrvr.reg.
  6. Click Start, click Run, and type C:\Test\TstSrvr.exe. When Regedit has finished running, the server command window will flash and display the following output:
    Server: Waiting
    Then, the server command window waits for the client program to start. If the client is started, the command window will flash and display output similar to the following:
    Server: Waiting
    Server: IClassFactory:CreateInstance
    Server: IStream:Read
    Server: IStream:Write
    Server: Done

NOTE: Do not log off from the server.

Steps to Take on the Client Computer

  1. Click Start, click Run, and then type cmd (for Windows NT) or command (for Windows 95/Windows 98).
  2. Type C:. (This sample uses C drive, but you can use any local drive.)
  3. Type MD C:\Test to create a folder.
  4. Type CD C:\Test.
  5. Copy the following files into C:\Test:
  6. At the command prompt, type regedit tstsrvr.reg. This causes Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) to run on Tstsrvr.reg.
  7. At the command prompt, type PING <server computer name> (replace <server computer name> with the actual computer name) to make sure that the server computer can be reached.
  8. At the command prompt, type Tstclnt <server computer name>. A successful run will cause the display of output similar to this:
    C:\test>tstclnt MyServerMachineName
    Client: Creating Instance...0.1696 seconds
    Client: Reading data...0.0011 seconds
    Client: Writing data...0.0005 seconds
    Client: Done

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